Reaching new heights of fun!

Hey everyone!

Yes, you heard us right. With this ingenious title, we want to tell you a bit about how last Active Culture went. First, it was a special one: it was organized both by us, the Jugendwerk der AWO Württemberg ESK Freiwillige, and, most importantly, by the Jugendwerk der AWO Württemberg Freiwillige, who were the ones that came up with the million-dollar idea: a trampoline booth (a Sprungbude, for those of you not honed on Schiller’s mother tongue)

Overall, it was a blast! For two straight hours we let out our inner kids: we jumped, laughed, played Dodge Ball, and, most importantly, no one was injured! Although the oldest one among us felt the fatigue and the weight of too many parties after jumping on the trampolines for some 30 minutes…

After that, we decided to go all together and have dinner together at an Indian Restaurant. It was also very tasty, although some of us were more focused on not burning the flavor receptors and not cry while still trying to enjoy the food.

Anyway, we also posted an Instagram Reel on our account, in case you want to check it out! Also, don’t forget that we, the Jugendwerk ESK Freiwillige, also have other events happening on Thursday, mostly Active Culture, which you can check out on our blog or our Instagram!

If you are interested in what we do and would like to participate in the ESK-Program like we do, check out Jugendwerk der AWO Württemberg

So yeah, see you on following events!

Hugs and kisses,

Juan and Cyrill, ESK Freiwillige in Jugendwerk der AWO Württemberg

Some participants trying to avoid the spinning wheel of death at the best of their capabilities
This photo is blurry. Not because of my poor photographic abilities, but because the people were going at the speed of light

2 thoughts on “Reaching new heights of fun!

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  1. Hello

    How can I be part of the volunteer team

    Thanks Best regards

    On Tue, Nov 15, 2022, 17:54 Life as a volunteer @Jugendwerk der AWO


    1. Hey!

      Right now we don’t have any open vacancies, but when we do, we’ll publish it on Instagram! @jw24_volunteers. Follow us there so that you know when an open vacancy will be published!

      Best wishes!


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